Does the President of The United States Really Matter?
Presidents have far less power to make changes than we'd like to believe, the one exception being the character of the White House. Let's stop blaming presidents for everything from draught to ingrown toenails. We are not a monarchy and don't have a parliamentary system. Accordingly, presidential election promises and tirades are meaningless bull spit in the United States; the president can only suggest legislation.
A dysfunctional, polarized legislature is our problem. We're burdened with a lagging economy, decline in literacy, underfunded education, budget deficit and ridiculously high national debt, crumbling infrastructure, overpriced and inequitable healthcare, illegal immigration, partisan politics, and morally bankrupt and greedy politicians. The Senate and House are broken. Will Rogers said, "America has the best politicians money can buy." And, that's okay by the Supreme Court: money is free speech. Right?
Ultimately, the fault lies with the American voters, most of whom are undereducated, ignorant, and uninformed. "We have met the enemy, and he is us."
So, let's not blame a four-year president for our lack of good judgment.
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