Tridentine Mass
The Vatican has revived a traditional medieval prayer for the conversion of the Jews from their Tridentine Mass, according to a report in the Forward. The prayer reads, "Oremus et pro perfidis Judaeis," or "Let us pray for the perfidious Jews."
The Vatican certainly has the right to formulate their liturgy as they please, but they cannot and should not expect immunity from criticism—not with their depraved political history.
So much for acceptance. So much for reconciliation. So much for sensitivity. So much for progress. Pope Benedict XVI has angered Muslims and now Jews with his calendar–reversing policies. No wonder North American Catholics are queuing up at the doors of Protestant churches?
The Vatican would do better to be concerned with the souls of their own congregants rather than fretting about the beliefs of non-Catholics. Maybe the Vatican is obsessed by its own unimportance.
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