Monday, February 06, 2006

Face of Muhammed - Drawings of Muhammed

Please Leave

Face of Muhammed—Drawings of Muhammed

I didn't write the following, but inasmuch as one believes in freedom of expression, one can understand the author's indignation. The cartoons may indeed be insulting or insensitive to Muslims, but no Muslims transgressed Islamic law.

The Muslim world has its problems, and it's all too easy (and human) for Muslims to assign blame to others for their misfortunes than to accept responsibility. Maybe they should be concerned about their own behavior rather than the conduct of others.

Please leave

Dear muslims(sic),

If you do not like my country, please leave.
If you do not like the way our women dress, please leave.
If you do not like our separation of politics and religion, please leave.
If you support violent responses to criticism of Islam, please leave.
If you support terrorism in any way, shape or form, please leave.
If you cannot accept satirical cartoons in our newspapers, please leave.
If you do not support democracy or the freedom of speech, please leave my country.

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