Monday, February 09, 2009

"The school is the last expenditure upon which America should be willing to economize." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

Open Letter to Our President, My Senators and Congressman

On the February 8, 2009, broadcast of Meet the Press, Senator John Ensign (R-NV) said that all the talk about firefighters and teachers losing their jobs was "fear mongering."

Is he out of his mind and out of touch? Have him to tell the legion of teachers being sacked in my wife's small school district—face to face—to ignore their pink slips, that they're just victims of fear mongering.

Education, particularly in California, is suffering death by slow starvation. It needs your help in any imminent economic stimulus package. Compromise if you must, but not with the line item that affects the next generation of Americans ability to contribute to the American economy and pay for the economic stimulus package.

We need your help to keep class sizes reasonable, textbooks in the hands of the students, important education programs working, and talented teachers in the classroom.

Sincerely yours…

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